Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Orthodox Rasta Community

After viewing this video on this particular Rasta community in Jamacia, I was mostly surprised as to the overall structure established within the people that extended throughout the village. This video gave me an entirely new perspective from the initial impression I received from the Rastafari book and Bob Marley & the Wailers.

Structure was evident primarily in the strict daily worship times that occurred every day. I was surprised as to the structure found in the language upon hearing interviews with the locals. It didn't resemble the hybrid language used by Bob Marley (perhaps the most familiar Rasta voice), but was very "gramatically correct" compared with American English, given the exception of dialect. I also found structure in the tending of small-scale agriculture with the minor use of irrigation as well as their production of brooms for income.

I found the amount of symbolism to be quite obvious and prevalent throughout the commuity. The clothing worn by the members of the community was African in style, including a turban, and were often red, gold, or green - the Rastafari/Ethiopian colors. The traditional colors were used in clothing, flags, and even adorned their houses.

The best comparrison I could make to the contrast in culture between this particular Rasta community and other practicing Rastas all within the same country was to compare to the different denominations of Christianity (something I'm a little more familiar with). Obviously, some denominations will be more orthodox and strict than others in practice and ritual. Even the same denominations have variations in their practice, such as between Lutheran and Wisconsin or Missouri Synod Lutheran, without huge contrasts in faith.

As I mentioned in class, I found the presence of the Rastafari/Ethiopian colors to be above and beyond any such patriotic 'norm' present in the United States.

Then again, I've been wrong before.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Symbolic Nature of Tattoos

Alright Professor, I'm going to use this blog to skip back to the 6th week post:

After my pictures from, I was a little intrigued at the origin of symbolic tattoos (spurred on by Professor Smith's commentary on the post). With a little bit of research, I pieced together various aspects on the history and purpose of tattoos in the past that by far have a major theme of religious significance.

I was definietly surprised as to how far back the history of tattoos traced back. In 1991, a +5000 year old Ice Man was discovered well preserved and had somewhere between 51 and 57 tattoos all over his body, proving that the practice isn't exactly new. An Egyptian preistess was discovered in 1891 with geometric tattoos thought to be for ritual purposes. Particularily in Japan, Polynesia, India, and Thailand, the use of tattoos was believed to hold supernatural or spiritual power. Many other purposes for tattoos served as status or marital markers, simple decoration, or for battle purposes. In battle or hunting, many warriors used tattoos for protection, courage, to become one with the enemy (animal or human), or as stories from their past experiences. Further along the historical timeline I read how Christian crusaders tattooed a cross on their hands as a request for a Christian burial if they were killed in battle. Religiously, for all religions, I found tattooing religious symbols on the body was a way of openly declaring and expressing one's faith permanently.

Throughout all of this reading, I kept thinking back to Geertz's definition, beginning with: "A system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men...". For the majority of purposes of tattoos holding some form of religious relatability, I found them to represent this "system of symbols" as so described by Geertz. Afterall, thats all tattoos really are.

Kebra Negast

Throughout the Kebra Negast, the country of Ethiopia is given tremendous status and prestige that is subtly hinted at from the text. I was very surprised at one particular statement from one of the very first sections of the text. In How This Book Came To Be Found, it states "... that the whole kingdom of the world [belonged] to the Emperor of Rome and the Emperor of Ethiopia." From a historical standpoint, Rome during its peak in power and prestige was largely considered the ruler and center of Europe. For the "whole kingdom of the world" to be divided between Rome and Ethiopia gives a huge amount of credit to Ethiopia by mere association.

I also found much of the prestige of the two kingdoms from the story to be set by their rulers in power. Solomon the King sets the face for his kingdom out of his wisdom, patience, and kindness. Likewise for the kingdom of Ethiopia, the Queen of Sheba was described as "... very beautiful in face, and her stature was superb, and her understanding and intelligence, which God had given her, were of such high character that she went to Jerusalem to hear the wisdom of Solomon;" For the remainder of the story, the Queen is described with prestige and is even desired by King Solomon, who has some other 1000 beautiful women at his leisure.

I was able to pick out subtle hints as to Ethiopia's greatness in material possessions. Beginning with the Queen of Sheba's caravan to Jersualem, it is stated: "And she arrived in Jersalem, and brought to the King very many precious gifts which he desired to possess greatly." Later in the pact between the King and the Queen, she states outright, "Moreover, my own kingdom is as wealthy as thing, and there is nothing which I wish for that I lack." These two examples plus others found throughout the text show that the two kingdoms are equally wealthy.

Lastly, in King Solomon's dream at the end of the story, he dreams of the brilliant sun moving away from Israel to Ethiopia for eternity as it "willed to dwell there." The sun, as Solomon describes as coming from heaven, can symbolize wisdom, greatness, and truth, as a few of the many qualities that are typically attributed towards sunlight.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ah, the wonders of tattoos. Body modification undoubtedly serves the purpose for self-expression of personality, values, interests, or whatever it is that you desire to express so badly. Many find it interesting (including my own grandmother), the purpose of piercings or tattoos, especially when chosen to express one's religion; some see the human body to be God's canvas that should not be defaced with artwork. I quote the words of my grandmother: "If God wanted holes in your head, he would have put them there."
However, the cross itself is a symbol used in many cultures, nations, and religions. Globally, the cross is seen predominantly as a representation for Christianity, which has many historical references tied to it as well as beliefs. Particularly, I find it to be quite ironic that the cross has an obvious history as a former means of brutal execution, and yet, you don't see many walking around with a guillotine or an electric chair blazed across their chest.
Tattoos give this symbolic representation a whole new meaning as you can now, quite literally, where it on your sleeve; its a permanent form of jewelry. One automatically assumes, as in the pictures above, the beholder is a proud Christian. Despite the ties that come along with the historical perspective on the cross, it obviously has stronger symbolic ties of Christianity that override such horrific references.